17th February, 2019






The Muslim Rights Concern (MURIC) has pinpointed a major factor for the failure of the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) to kick-start the 2019 general elections yesterday, Saturday, 16th February, 2019 as earlier scheduled.    



According to the Islamic human rights organization, INEC’s failure can be attributed to its lack of concern for the divine will. MURIC’s statement was contained in a press release dated 17th February, 2019. It was signed by its founder and director, Professor Ishaq Akintola.



Expatiating further, MURIC said, “Divine truth will always overwhelm social truth. INEC kept telling Nigerians that it was ready. But Almighty Allah knew that it was not actually ready. They told the Federal Government (FG) that no stone had been left unturned. They assured Nigerians that everything was in place. INEC beat its chest before foreign observers.



“But all along, INEC forgot a major factor. It ignored the divine factor, the font et origo. INEC chairman should have added by the grace of Allah (or by God’s power, or bi qudratillahi). By the grace of Allah or by the grace of God is more powerful and more correct than the popular phrase ‘in sha Allah’ because ‘in sha Allah’ simply means ‘if Allah wishes’.



“What happens if Allah does not wish? Nigerians who use this phrase are therefore advised to use ‘biqudratillahi’ which is a more direct and more effective invocation of the power of Allah in support of our plans. Nigerians must remember that the gap-toothed general on Minna hill-top used the same ‘in sha Allah’ to lead Nigerians by the nose for several years.



“One of the beauties of Islam is that it teaches homo sapiens not to express any desire or make any plan without relying on Allah. The Glorious Qur’an says inter alia: “And do not say I will do so and so tomorrow without adding ‘by Allah’s Grace’. But if you forget to do so at the first instance, cite Allah’s name afterwards and say, ‘I hope my Lord will guide me even better than I expect’” (Glorious Qur’an 18:23 – 24).



“The Qur’an also goes on to warn us that no matter how much we try, we will never be able to execute our plans except Allah so desires (wa ma tashauun ila an yashaa Allah Qur’an 81:29; laa tanfudhuuna ilaa bi sultaanin Qur’an 55:33). The Qur’an also says our plans are nothing unless we involve Allah in them, “They planned and Allah planned but Allah is the best of all planners” (Qur’an 3:54; 27:50).




“Even in the Bible, Jesus taught his disciples not to rely on the ability of man to do things but to rely on God who can do all things. “Jesus looked at them and said, ‘With man it is impossible, but not with God. For all things are possible with God” (Mark 10: 27; Mathew 19:29).



“MURIC therefore sends out this strong message to Nigerians. You cannot be ready until Allah is ready. INEC cannot be ready until God is ready. Remember how we all voted in the June 12, 1993 election. We all voted for Chief MKO Abiola. But it was all in vain because Allah did not vote for him.



“Let INEC and the rest of us borrow one or two leaves from this message. Do not underestimate the power of Allah and His place in the actualization of plans. To Him belongs the force majeure. Let this be a lesson to all public officers and political leaders. The Muslims among them must put Allah first while the Christians among them should put God first.



MURIC assured Nigerians that all is not lost. “But do not lose hope”, Akintola added. “The faithful should be hopeful. Allah is wonderful. He will not let the righteous down. The Qur’an says, ‘So do not lose heart, nor fall into despair for you shall be victorious if you are believers (Qur’an 3:139; Mathew 6:24 – 33).   



“Although MURIC is a human rights group, we are faith-based and that should make the difference in a way. We must advocate human rights from the point of view of righteousness, godliness and the fear of Allah. We must encourage worship and supplication because there is no limit to the power of prayer.



“In this regard, we call on all Nigerians regardless of religious leaning to embark on a 3-day fasting and intensive prayers from tomorrow Monday, 18th February to Wednesday 20th February, 2019. The forces arraigned against our nation are powerful and ruthless. We need prayers to overcome them.



“Our prayer points should include a successful and peaceful general election. Let us pray for Allah (God) to take control of our affairs. Pray that all powers of evil poised to cause confusion in this election shall be vanquished. Pray that all those behind the suffering of the poor be brought to shame.



“Pray that the Supreme Creator should give us a progressive National Assembly through this 2019 election. Pray that looters and thieves should lose in this election. Pray that all those who are behind the killing of innocent people should be exposed. In Allah’s Mighty Name we pray!



Professor Ishaq Akintola,


Muslim Rights Concern (MURIC)


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