29th September, 2021




An Islamic human rights organisation, the Muslim Rights Concern (MURIC) has described the ongoing fuel crisis in the United Kingdom as an opportunity for Nigerians to appreciate President Muhammadu Buhari whose administration has registered near zero fuel queues in the six years of his administration.



MURIC’s observation came on Wednesday, 29th September, 2021, via a press statement issued by its director and founder, Professor Ishaq Akintola.


The statement reads:


“Britain has been enmeshed in fuel shortages resulting in long queues at petrol stations in the past two weeks. Of a total of 8,000 filling stations in Britain, up to two-thirds of 5,500 fuel stations have run out of supply. The British army has been put on red alert to intervene while the government of Boris Johnson has offered temporary visas to 5,000 foreign fuel tanker drivers. Britain holds its breath and trembles.



“The development has triggered socio-economic crisis in Britain. There are food shortages, street brawls, particularly at petrol stations. The fuel queus last for hours. In addition, the government is considering the closure of schools. (



“The situation has sparked chaos and panic. Consequence upon this, Britain’s three giant petrol companies, Shell, Texaco and British Petroleum have imposed a buying limit of 30 British pounds ( Rationing is also being considered by other petrol companies. There are fears that doctors, teachers and other workers may not be able to get to work (



“In sharp contrast, MURIC recalls that the long queues which used to last hours and which forced many Nigerians to sleep at petrol stations for three or more days have not been experienced since President Muhammadu Buhari took over in May 2015. This is a verifiable and unassailable fact.



“Nigerians must give it to Buhari. It is necessary to appreciate this administration particularly with regards to the absence of fuel queues if we want to be sincere. Mass amnesia may be one of our worst weaknesses but the records speak loud and clear.



“Nigeria: Obasanjo Begs on Fuel Scarcity’ was the bold and embarrassing headline of a popular print newspaper of 19th September, 2000 ( Obasanjo’s efforts at nipping the fuel crisis in the bud could only scratch the sufface.



“In 2009 the Yaradua administration blamed saboteurs for fuel shortages and long queues but found no solution for it ( Ex-President Goodluck Jonathan inherited this quagmire but nibbled at it for six years.



“Fuel crisis in Jonathan days induced unprecedented nationwide protest in the year 2012 ( and no solution was found between that time and 2015. It led a leading online newspaper to declare that fuel queues grounded Nigeria while Ex-President Jonathan ‘snored away’ (



“The implication of the above pieces of evidence is that Buhari was the leader who found solution to the problem of fuel scarcity that plagued Nigeria for decades and proved elusive under three Nigerian presidents. At the risk of being labelled as sycophants, we place the facts before honest Nigerians. We reiterate that posterity will remember Buhari as the Father of Modern Nigeria”



Professor Ishaq Akintola,


Muslim Rights Concern (MURIC)